Here is the third in my series of genealogy related comics, drawn by my lovely 13 yr old daughter, Ellie.
We, as genealogists, sit on our rear ends way too much. This is just a humorous idea for how we could get some exercise…
Here is the third in my series of genealogy related comics, drawn by my lovely 13 yr old daughter, Ellie.
We, as genealogists, sit on our rear ends way too much. This is just a humorous idea for how we could get some exercise…
Another week is history. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time flies. I am writing this Thursday night and I just got back from my local genealogy society’s meeting. We had a very interesting presentation on the Chinese in El Paso. Apparently, we have the only Chinese cemetery in the state, which I thought was kind of neat. I personally don’t have any Chinese roots and I have to say that I’m kind of thankful, because that looks like some difficult research!
Here are some of my favorite finds from this past week:
1. Sepia Saturday 133 – baby elephants? at Images Past
2. Three Today at Geniaus – Happy Blogiversary!!
3. Hello, Old Blog! at Shaking Leaves: My Adventures in Genealogy
4. First Day of the Family History Expo and Day Two at the Expo at The Educated Genealogist
5. Spinster Aunts, Part One: Grace Duncan and Spinster Aunts, Part two: Ruth Esther Rockwood at Who Does She Think She Is?
6. The Moment I Knew, Linda’s Story at The Armchair Genealogist
7. Postcard from Paris, 1918 (Part 1 of 3) – Those Places Thursday at Heritage Zen
And a few pictures to share:
Nothing is growing yet. I’m beginning to lose hope…
My youngest daughter…
The Mexican Bird of Paradise bush on the side of my house…
The Wyler Aerial Tramway in El Paso (where my hubby and I went on a date last weekend).
It was a second marriage for both John Edwards and Isabelle Adelia Rudd Bybee. They were married in Dow City, Crawford county, Iowa.
According to the post-it note I stuck on the back of this picture about 10 years ago, this was dated May 25, 1910. I love the blouses and jewelry these women are wearing – and Laura’s hairstyle. It is exactly what I would picture a woman looking like in 1910.
Henrietta Jennie (Pierce) Baker was my husband’s great-great grandmother. She was born in PA in 1856 and died in KS in 1918. Here she is pictured with her daughter Laura.
Jane {Reed} Garriott was my 4th great grandmother. She was born 10 Jul 1805 and died 31 Aug 1874. She was buried, along with her husband John, in Barnes Cemetery in Mercer County, Missouri.