I got my issue of Family Tree Magazine in the mail today….
And there was an article on the 40 best blogs for genealogy.
And my blog is listed under “Story Time”!!
You can check out all of the other great blogs on the list here.
I got my issue of Family Tree Magazine in the mail today….
And there was an article on the 40 best blogs for genealogy.
And my blog is listed under “Story Time”!!
You can check out all of the other great blogs on the list here.
I haven’t done a Follow Friday in quite some time. I’ve been so busy in the past few months with starting my photography business, that photos have been taking up most of my computer time. If only there were more hours in the day. 🙂 I’m thinking that I”m going to make this once or twice a month instead of every week. That will give me more of a chance to peruse everyone’s blogs and websites.
Here are some recent reads I enjoyed…
1. Judy, of The Legal Genealogist, always does such a great job of explaining the legal mumbo jumbo that most of us don’t understand. A costly issue is a great post on bills of cost, which I have to admit I usually just file away without even really looking at. Shame on me.
2. Is FamilySearch De-emphasizing Genealogical Research? over at Genea-Musings. I have to agree that FamilySearch has gotten more confusing.
3. I LOVE libraries! And so should you at Gena’s Genealogy. I love libraries too Gena!! 🙂
4. Thankful Thursday: Daniel D. Lightner, The Abolitionist Part 1 and Part 2 over at Leaves for Trees.
5. Cousin Wendy at Shaking Leaves found a family secret. I love unearthing secrets. 🙂
And here are a few pictures from this past week:
These toy soldiers belonged to my husband’s father and are probably about 65 years old. My husband refound them when he was looking through one of his trunks a few weeks ago and the kids have been playing with them in the backyard ever since.
And look – they were actually MADE IN THE USA!!! 🙂
I think that there are a few that may have been from a different set. I’m not sure why this guy has a hole on top of his head. He looks different than the above soldiers though. Of course, that could be because his paint is really wearing off.
And here are some of the casualties of war.
Here are a few of them in action, in our backyard. Yes, we have rocks in our yard – we live in the desert. 🙂
Do any of you have toy soldiers also?
That feeling you get when you finally see a picture of an ancestor you’ve been working on for years and years (around 14) is absolutely priceless. Putting a face to the name you’ve been researching is so rewarding. It makes that ancestor so much more real (at least in my opinion). I can immediately relate to them more. I am more interested in learning their story.
I have a distant cousin who sent me these pictures this past month. I am so thankful and am looking forward to sharing them with the rest of my family.
These pictures are of James Patrick Thornton (1824-1887), my 3rd great-grandfather. He came to the U.S. (first to Illinois and then Nebraska) from Ireland.
These photos were scanned from an album in my cousin’s possession. The album has a stamp that says “Patent June 6, 1882” in it.
Life has been crazy. I’ve started my own photography business and continue to homeschool my kids. I feel like I rarely have time to spend on genealogy and that makes me sad.
There is one advantage to taking a long break from doing research though. Records are always being added online and when you haven’t looked for a while, it feels like you’ve hit the jackpot.
Here is one of the things I found this week – the naturalization petition of my step-grandmother, Margaret Rose Barnard Ogden Sanchez.