Dessie Robertson Warren was my great-great grandfather, John Robertson’s sister. She was married to Dana Wyman Warren, a photographer. He apparently left her in 1911.
I think that this verdict was so interesting. Have you heard of a woman suing another woman for alienating the affections of her husband? I wonder if she actually got the money.
This articles is from the Omaha World Herald, 13 February 1916.
Brought Suit Against Clara E. Graham for Alienating Husband’s Affections
Lower Court Grants Verdict for $4,875, Which High Court Cuts.
Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.
Des Moines, Ia., February 12.- The Iowa supreme court today affirmed a verdict of $2,000 in favor of Dessie Warren, against Clara E. Graham, appelant, Sioux county. Mrs. Warren charged that Miss Graham alienated the affections of her husband, Dana Warren. He disappeared Christmas 1911. The last heard of him he was at Reno, Nev., and was still going west, the court says.
The Warrens lived at Sioux City, Hull, and Fort Dodge. The jury awarded Mrs. Warren $4,875, but this the supreme court cut to $2,000.