Julia (Snider) Weeks was my husband’s great-great grandmother. She was born on 18 May 1845 in Utica, Clark Co., Indiana, and died 3 Oct 1903 in Kansas.
I haven’t been able to find an obituary or even a notice of her death, but I did find this newspaper article, from a few days before she died. The couple that found her were William Homer Weeks and Florence Marion Baker, who married on November 11th, a short month after her death, and are my husband’s great-grandparents. It’s sad to know that she didn’t recover from this paralysis and that she wasn’t able to see their wedding day.
30 Sep 1903, Jeffersonian Gazette, (Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas)
We regret to report that Mrs. Peter Weeks was stricken with paralysis on last Saturday night, and is in a sad and critical condition. The daughters of Charles Johnson gave a party on last Saturday night, and the Weeks young people were there. Mr. Weeks was attending a meeting at Baldwin, and Mrs. Weeks was at home and alone. Homer took to his home Miss May Baker, and they were the first to arrive, and where they found Mrs. Weeks lying on the floor unconscious. The young man got in his buggy and went for Dr. Miller, and took him home with him. The rest of the family were soon there, and all was done for her that could be done. She seems to be rallying some, but cannot speak. The doctor thinks she is better, as she knows the family and some friends who have called. She sleeps most of the time.