Actually, this post is two weeks of my favorite finds. I was MIA last week, sledding with my kids at White Sands National Monument. So. Much. Fun. 🙂 I’ve been very busy with my genealogy these past couple of weeks – mostly working on my Swedish roots, but also delving a bit into my husband’s New York lines as well.
On to my favorite finds:
- This evening’s edition of Geneabloggers Radio is all about African-American Resources. I don’t have any African-American roots myself (at least not that I’ve found yet!) but it still sounds interesting to me.
- Hitler, Hindenberg, & Homeland over at Collecting dead relatives…and live cousins! was a great read. I love old letters.
- I also enjoyed the post Generational Length at Irish Genealogy. It’s amazing how different lines can have such drastically different generational lengths, putting your various sets of great-great-greats at such different time periods.
- Fi.fa. Fo Fum! was a very helpful post over at The Legal Genealogist. Legal mumbo-jumbo is hard enough to understand without abbreviations. 🙂
- Happy Birthday to Marian and her twin over at the other Climbing My Family Tree. I just love the picture of them in the pram.
- Cherie, why didn’t I get invited over to partake in the Fastnachts? They look delicious!! 🙂 Head over to Have You Seen My Roots? to get the recipe.
- Here are a couple of blogs I started following this week: Picking Up Breadcrumbs and Throwaway map.
- I’ve put my Flip Pal Scanner to good use, but have yet to try stitching anything together yet. Karen over at Genealogy Frame of Mind shows an example of a document she put together. The results are great!
And some pictures to share: