I have sometimes thought that in the future I would like to do genealogy professionally.
It would have to be the very distant future though. Truthfully, I am kept pretty busy tracing my own tree while home schooling my 5 kids. I think that once they are older and I have some more free time to myself, then I might be able to pursue it.
I have never perused the Transitional Genealogists Forum on Rootsweb before. This is a forum for genealogists who are taking the steps to become professional genealogists. There are many interesting questions posed here and I enjoyed looking through them.
One of the posts which I found particularly helpful to me was about whether or not you should trace the lines (a few generations back) of people who marry into your family. In particular, this person had a great- granduncle who was married 3 times and never had children. Her question was whether or not to research his spouses.
I tend to find out as much as I can about people who marry into my family. I was glad to see that those who replied suggested that also. Now I know that I’m not crazy and I’m not wasting my time. 🙂 I really think that you can get some of the best finds from people who married into the family and ended up with treasures.
So, now I can justify myself to my husband, who wonders why I would spend time on anyone not straight up my pedigree chart. 🙂