24 Dec 1904, Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, IllinoisPATRICK WARD.
For Thirty Years an Alton Official Passes Away.
Patrick Ward died Friday evening at his home on Belle street after a severe and prolonged illness. He has been confined to his bed since August and welcomed death as an end of suffering. He was 76 years of age and spent more than 50 of these in Alton. About 30 of these years he filled some official position either that of collector, assessor, clerk of the city court, city clerk, or township clerk. He was a native of Ireland a most congenial, wholesouled, charitable man. A few years ago he became totally blind and refused to stand for re-election to office. His wife and children preceded him to the grave many years ago and he has made his home with his grand-daughters, Mrs. John Ehret and Miss Annie Thornton. He suffered intensely during the past year from a complication of maladies but bore his afflictions with characteristic resignation and good humor. He was a full-faced, smooth-shaven man, it being doubtful whether any one ever saw him when he wore a beard. For that reason many will fail to recognize him at first glance when they call to see him now. During his illness he permitted his beard and mustache to grow and it grew vigorously so that the face all were accustomed to see smooth shaven is now full-bearded and will be left that way as he did not wish it shaved. His grand-daughters are all here – one of them having arrived from her Indiana home several days ago.
The funeral will be Monday morning at 9 o’clock from the Cathedral.