Sophia Arthurs was married to Thomas C. Baker in Indiana County, PA in February of 1869. The next month, Thomas and his bride moved to McMinnville, Tennessee along with Thomas’s parents and siblings. Perhaps they married quickly before the move. She had to say goodbye to her family and start over in a new state with her new husband and his family.
She didn’t live in Tennessee for long. Less than two years later, Thomas returned to Indiana county, PA with her body for burial.
11 Jan 1871, Indiana Weekly Messenger, Indiana county, PABAKER – On the 4th inst., near M’Minville Tennessee Sophia wife of Mr. Clark Baker and daughter of Mr. Thomas Arthurs of East Mahoning tp, this country. The bereaved husband passed through this place on Friday last, with the corpse of his deceased wife, and she was interred on Sabbath at Gilgal burial ground.