15 Apr 1916, Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Madison Co., ILFORMER ALTON WOMAN’S HUSBAND DIES
Widow, Formerly Conducted Millinery Store on Belle Street.
Word was received in Alton this morning announcing the death at Evansville, Ind., of B. Blackburn, husband of Mrs. Mollie Thornton Blackburn, formerly of this city. Yesterday Alton relatives received word from Mrs. Blackburn that her husband had suffered a paralytic stroke and was very low. Before Alton relatives were able to leave for Evansville another telegram arrived announcing her death.
Mr. Blackburn is survived by his wife and one son, Philip. One year ago Monday another son was brought to Alton and buried here.
The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon in Evansville and will be attended by Mr. and Mrs. John Ehret and Miss Mollie Thornton, of Alton.