This is the marriage of Miss Pearl Sherlock to Napoleon Bonaparte Thornton. It was published in the 9 Aug 1949 issue of the Alton Evening Telegraph.
I love the descriptions of her clothing. I don’t know much about fashion, so I had to look up Brooks Cadwallader to see who it is. Here is a blog post I found with some more info on it.Thornton-Shearlock Wedding
N.B. Thornton and Miss Pearl Shearlock were married this afternoon at 1 o’clock in the rectory of Old Cathedral, with Msgr. W. T. Sloan officiating. The couple dispensed with attendants.
Miss Shearlock wore a champagne suit, accented with a Brooks Cadwallader scarf, and brown acessories.
After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Thornton left on a honeymoon strip. They will be at home, at 1810 State street, after September 1.
Mr. Thornton, son of the late City Attorney James P. Thornton and Mrs. Thornton, is a veteran of World War 1. He served in France with Battery C, 43rd Artillery, A.E.F.
Mrs. Thornton is the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Shearlock. Until recently she was in the Wood River office of Shell Oil Company.