I’ve been looking for Francis Pottgen for years and years.
In 1850, he was living his his wife, Sophia, and their children in Alton, Illinois.
I can’t find either Francis or Sophia in the 1860 census and I’m not sure where they might be. Four of their children were living with a Peter Pattkin in Alton.
I have pension paperwork for Sophia from 1864, and one of her sons is living with her in the 1870 census.
The pension paperwork states that Francis died in 1853.
I made the WRONG assumption that Francis had simply died and that Sophia was a widow. I didn’t have any information on him after that 1850 census record.
Then, I found this…..
State of Illinois,} ss { Madison Circuit Court,
Madison County, August Term, A.D. 1853
22 Jul 1853, Alton Weekly Telegraph, Alton, IL
Sophia Pottgen vs. Francis Pottgen
Bill for a Divorce
Notice is hereby given, that the complainant in the above entitled cause in Chancery has filed her bill of complaint against the above-named defendant, Francis Pottgen, for a divorce, which suit is now pending in Madison Circuit Court; and it appearin by affidavit on file in said Court, that the above-named defendant, Francis Pottgen, on due inquiry, cannot be found so that the ordinary process of said Court cannot be served upon him, and whereas a subpoena in Chancery has been ….herein according to law.
Now you the said Francis Pottgen are hereby notified that unless you shall be and appear before said Madison Circuit Court on the first day of the next term thereof, to be held at the Court House in the town of Edwardsville, on Monday, the 29th day of August, A.D. 1853, and except to demur to, plead to, or answer the compainant’s bill, filed herein according to the rules and practice of said Court, the same will be taken as conferred, and a decree will be made according to the prayer thereof.
Dated at Edwardsville, June 29th, 1853
WM. L. BROWN, Clerk.
WM MARTIN, Att’y for Compl’t
I am going to try to order the divorce records (if they are available) to see if they have any further information.
This stated that Francis wasn’t able to be found. Where did he go? Did he stay in the area – or in nearby St. Louis? Did he head out west and start a new life? Did he take a new name? Did he really end up dying in 1853 as the pension record states, or did she just call herself a widow? And the search continues…