This was published in the 24 Jun 1938 issue of the Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, IL). She sounds like she was pretty lively and youthful for being 88 years old.Widow Observes 88th Birthday
Mrs. Johanna Thornton, widow of Philip Thornton, founder of the oldest grocery in Alton, Wednesday celebrated her eighty-eighth birhtday. She makes her home at the residence connected with the old-time store, at Sixteenth and Belle streets, with Miss Mollie Thornton who has conducted the Thornton grocery since the death more than a year ago of M.M. Thornton.
Unlike many women, Mrs. Thornton, who was born in 1850, has a sence of pride in her advanced age. She has hosts of friends, not only in Alton, but throughout this part of the state, and to intimates is known affectionately as “Grandma Thornton”.
Mrs. Thornton retains a youthful spirit and cheery outlook on life, and enjoys good health. Often she calls a taxi and goes to the movies or out to dinner, and her company is a source of enjoyment to young people. She has a remarkable memory, especially of early times and the Civil War period here. Her recollections include the movements of Union army troop trains on the C. & A. past the old Thornton homestead, and of events at time of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, at which time she was 15 years old.
A lifelong member of hte Old Cathedral parish, she seldom misses a Sunday attending church. She has many friends who often call on her to talk over old-time incidents.