Peter Henry Weeks was my husband’s great-great grandfather. He served during the Civil War and received a pension. His father, Samuel Weeks, was an affiant for his pension.
State of Indiana County of Jefferson
In the matter of Peter H. Weeks for Invalid Pension late of Company “I” 5th Regiment Missouri Cav Volunteers, On this __ day of __ A.D. 1883 personally appeared before me a __ in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Samuel Weeks aged 72 years, a resident of Deputy, in the County of Jefferson and State of Indiana…
The said Peter H. Weeks is a Son of mine and was Sick with the mumps, while in the army, his Mother visited him during his illness, and though he escaped with his life and faithfully served his time out, yet the mumps, as he complained to me at different times, left him permanently injured in the testicles (I never examined for myself).
And I will add He afterward reenlisted and continued in the Service until the close of the war.
Samuel Weeks