I spent the whole week from Christmas to New Year’s Eve sick with a cold. Although it was crummy feeling sick during the holidays, it did give me a chance to get a bunch of genealogy done while I was curled up in a blanket at the computer.
Thankfully, we made our gingerbread house BEFORE the cold came on…
We should be moving from El Paso sometime this summer, but I have no idea where we’ll be going (that’s Army life for you!). I’m hoping that it’s somewhere a little more genea-friendly than El Paso. We are far off the beaten path here and a trip to any conference is very far away. Also, I have no ancestors from this neck of the woods (and there definitely aren’t any trees here!). I’m hoping for a posting to Europe, or maybe Virginia. We’ll see what happens – it’s not in my hands, so I’ll try to be excited about wherever we’ll be heading. 🙂
I do have a few goals/ancestors I want to focus on this year:
1. Join the DAR. This has been on my goal list for at least 3 years, but I haven’t made the time to do it. I need to make the time. I have plenty of ancestors to choose from, so I need to pick one and do the paperwork.
2. I need to focus on re-entering the information on my Swedish ancestors. I lost a lot of the info in my data loss a couple of years ago and I’ve put of re-entering it. It’s tedious (especially since I don’t speak Swedish). It makes entering the census records into my program difficult and time-consuming. It needs to be done though.
3. Brick Walll: John Robertson (1804-1879) – born in Kentucky, died in Washington County, Iowa.
4. Brick Wall: Henry Woods from England, father to Thomas Woods (1859-1934) of Lockport, New York.
5. Work on untangling the Cossaboons of New Jersey and finding the correct line.
6. Brick Wall: Sophia Talbot , b 1819 in Missouri, married to John C. Davidson. I am so close, yet so far away. I have the correct family, but can’t find exactly where she fits in.
7. Work on my Agee and Lee lines in Virginia. I haven’t spent a lot of time on siblings of my ancestors and need to do that.
8. Get all of my paperwork digitized and the papers filed away in my huge filing cabinet.
Let’s see if I can stay on track this year and make some progress on some of my brick walls. 🙂