Silas Moorman was my first cousin, 7 times removed.
I found his will while visiting Bedford County, Virginia 3 1/2 years ago. It was written in 1776, 200 years before I was born {I was a bicentennial baby}. I guess it just struck me that this was a LONG TIME AGO. 🙂
In the Name of God Amen the second day of November in the year of Our Lord Christ 1776. I, Silas Moorman in the County of Bedford being Sick and Weak in body but of Perfect mind and Memory thanks begiven until God therefore calling unto mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, That is to say Principally and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of god that gave it and for my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be Burried in a Christian Like and decent Manner at the discresion of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the general Resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me with in this life my Lawfull Debts being first paid, I give desire and Dispose of the same in the following Manner and form Imprimis I lend and Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Sally Moorman my Land and Plantation where on I now live Containing of One Hundred acres, and four Negroes, Cuff, James, Jenney + Joe and Stock of all kinds, Three Beds and all other Household furniture, her widowhood or till my Children comes of age and if she Marries Then the whole above Mentioned articles to be Divided amongst my wife and Three Children Martha Moorman Jacob Moorman + Pleasant Moorman Land Excepted. I Bequeath unto my son Jacob Moorman One Hundred acres of Land with the Plantation whereon I now live, which if my wife do not Marry while my Three Children comes of age then the whole Estate be Equal Divided Except the Land I do Constitute and appoint my Brother Charles Moorman Jacob Moon Junior and my Brother Andrew Moorman Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do revoke all former Wills by me heretofore made Ratifying and confirming, This my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hear unto set my hand + Seal this Second day of November One Thousand seven hundred and Seventy Six.
Signed Sealed Published and delivered
in Presents of}
Archer Moon, Salem Bocock, Lodwick Cook
{seal} Silas Moorman
At a Court held for Bedford County the 24th day of February 1777 This Last Will and Testament of Silas Moorman Deceased was proved by the oath of Archer Moon a Witness thereto Subscribed and at a Court held for said County the 24th day of March 1777. The said Will was further Proved by the affirmation of Salem Bocock another Witness thereto Subscribed and Ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Charles Moorman Jacob Moon Junr and Andrew Moorman The Executors therein named who made Oath thereto Certificate is Granted then for Obtaining Probate thereof in due form giving Security whereupon they Together with a Nicholas Mead and William Moon their Securities entered unto and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Three Thousand Pounds for the said Executors due and faithfull administration of the said Decendents Estate and performance of this will.
Test Ja Stepto Cl.