Adam Potter Cavit was a brother to my 3rd great-grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Cavit Robertson. He served in the 13th Iowa Infantry during the Civil War.
This affidavit was written by people who knew him in Faulk Co, South Dakota. It states how he received his shoulder injury.
… Wm. D. Elting aged 63 years, a resident of Faulton in the County of Faulk and State of South Dakota and J.H. Shirk aged 56 years of Faulk Co. So. Dak…
That we are well acquainted with the above named claimant and know that he was injured in the right shoulder in the following manner: viz By falling backward at the distance of five feet above the ground. Was on a load of corn unloading. his arm was disjointed in the fall from the wagon: he was partially disabled and has been ever since. In Feby 1889 he again disjointed the same shoulder or arm and several times afterwards, from the effects of this injury he is unfit to perform manual labor…