Adam Potter Cavit was a brother to my 3rd great-grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Cavit Robertson.
He served in the 13th Iowa Infantry during the Civil War. He never married or had children.
This letter was written to the Bureau of Pensions by his sister, Olive A. Cavit.[Received by the Disbursing Office of the Bureau of Pensions on 8 Dec 1915]
Los Angeles Nov 1915
Washington D.C.
to the commissioner of Pensions
Just a line to let you know that Adam Potter Cavit is Dead. He Died the morning of the 22nd of Nov. at 20. minute Past 4 O’clock am. A P Cavit Died at His Sisters Mrs Dessie J Rounds. Living at 1320. E 59 st. Los Angeles Cal.
Where Potter Cavit Has made His Home with sister Dessie for more than a year. a year ago the third day of august he came on a visit to Dessie Rounds & was taken sick. & Had Poorly sheels for sometime & He Never did returnt o Sawtelle.
While I remained at Sawtelle my self. I am a sister of A P Cavit, unmarried & I was making arrangements to Have Brother Potter to come to Sawtelle & we two to live together in Sawtelle. I was going to care for Him. But all things are changed Now. as you well know my Brother Pension check was always sent to His sister address 1320 East 59 St. Los Angeles Cal.
Will we sisters be able to get Brother Pension up to the day of His death.
Yours Resp
Olive A Cavit