This is the will of William Turner, who died in about 1813-1814 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He was my 6th great-grandfather.
In the name of God Amen, I William Turner of the County of Allegany and State of Pensylvania though weak in body, yet having the entire use of my understanding, do make and publish this my last will here by revoking all others that I ever have made. Committing my Soul to God in Life of its redemption … the blood of his Son, and my body to the earth, in hope of a blessed and glorious resurrection, I then in the (First Place) devise to my dear Wife Anna Turner her bed with such bed cloaths as she may reckon necessary – such parts of my Kitchen Furniture as she may choose – any one of my cows – her trunk – the oval table, and my arm chair. I also bequeath to my Sons Thomas Turner, and Samuel Turner the two tracts of Land already laid out for them, to each the one on which he now lives, containing each one hundred and thirty three acres, with the usual allowance; however obligating them to pay for my daughter Elizabeth or her heirs, the Sum of one hundred dollars each. Then my two sons shall also pay the Sum of thirty dollars each to obtain an office right for the Land on which the widow of my deceased Son now lives, provided my personal estate after the distribution of it herein after diverted, may not be sufficient to procure the Patent for the above described land on which my Son John’s Widow lives. I further devise to my Son in law George Cavett sixty six acres, with, allowance, being that part of my land already laid out for him, and on which he now lives. I further bequeath to the children of my Son in law Joseph McElheny by his present wife Jane Turner sixty six Acres with allowance being that part on which he now lives. All the above devises are made according to [aplottments?] already made of their tracts, the full amount of which they are severally to enjoy be the same more or less. The residence of my farm, containing by estimate eighty Acres be the same more or less I leave to Samuel Turner and John Turner Sons of my deceased Son John, together with all my interest and right to a certain Lot of ground then vacant on which I placed my Son John at the time of his marriage the right to which by {?] I had previously purchased, and on which the buildings now stand wherein the widow and children of my Son John now live containing eighty-five Acres or there abouts be the same more or less. but it is to be distincly understood that whatever costs may accrue in obtaining a patent for said land shall be paid by my Executors out of the proceeds of my personal estate if sufficient, but if not then in the manner already asserted in this instrument. To the heirs of my Son in law Robert Bell I leave the Sum of forty dollars. Finally I direct that my personal Estate shall be sold at [?] due outofwhich my debts and funeral charges shall be defrayed. I also constitute and appoint the Rev. John Riddell and John Philips Son? the Executors of this my will. In confirmation whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 11th of August 1813
Alexander McFarland
William Corvan his
William Turner (Seal)