I really love the WWI and WWII Draft Registration cards available on Ancestry. The cards are so informative and have helped me out a lot in “fleshing out” my research – literally.
I like that I’m able to tell what their height and build, and eye and hair colors are. I also get a surprise once in a while and learn about medical problems that they may have had.
In this case, from the WWI Registration, I found out that Loveman Jackson Cossabone of New Jersey was missing his right leg at the knee. I’m now interested in learning about how he may have lost it. He was only 34 years old at the time he filled this out, so that must have been a great blow when it happened and affected his work and life.
He was also in the WWII Draft Registration, but at age 59 he wasn’t a likely candidate. This form doesn’t even mention the fact that he’s missing a leg.