It’s been a few weeks, but I’m back to my regular blogging schedule again. I’ve been busy re-entering in information that I lost during my recent data loss. 🙁 Some good will come of it though, I’m sure – I jut can’t think of what it is yet. 🙂
I have a trip to Washington (state) planned for August. I’m looking forward to being “home” and visiting with family. I’ll be sure to bring my Flip-Pal along also. I’m hoping to scan as many pictures as I can while I’m there.
Well, let’s get on with some of my favorite finds…
1. Gramma was a Hottie! at Are My Roots Showing?
2. Was Grandma’s House Haunted? at Nuts From the Family Tree
3. A Summer Chore at My Ancestors and Me
4. How Do Y’All Manage to Go to Conferences All The Time? at Marian’s Roots and Rambles
5. And Now We Are Five! It’s My Blogiversary at The Family Curator – Congrats!!
6. We Tree is Four Years Old at The We Tree Genealogy Blog – Congrats to you too!!
7. Horn-tooting at The Legal Genealogist Toot your horn!!! I look forward to your webinar. 🙂
8. Celebrating Six Years of Blogging at The Accidental Genealogist Wow – six years!!
9. Sunday in the Park with Family at Life From the Roots
10. Sears Catalog Modern Homes at Tangled Trees
11.Mystery Monday – Who Owned Melissa’s Trunk? at Nutfield Genealogy
And of course a few pictures to share: