The Girl Scouts is celebrating 100 years!!!
I don’t know if any of my grandmothers or great-grandmothers were Girl Scouts, but I was one and three of my daughters are currently scouts too (we’re still recovering from cookie season!)
I was a Brownie and Junior Girl Scout and while I know that we went camping and did outdoorsy stuff, my most vivid memory of Girl Scouts was the fashion show we put on for our moms. Unfortunately my mom still has the recording on a dusty VHS tape in the back of one of her closets. It’s hilarious – and embarrassing.
Here I am as a Brownie on a trip to an amusement park….
And my mom is placing a pin on my uniform. Just love my beanie cap. My little brother is peeking into the camera. 🙂
Last year, we lived in Savannah, GA – where Girl Scouts began. Here are a few pictures of some of the famous Girl Scouts sites in the area: