This is from the 1861 census in England. I thought that the variety of occupations here was so interesting. Maybe it’s because most of my American ancestors were listed as farmers. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a farmer, of course – but variety is the spice of life!
Here are some of the occupations listed on one page of the census :
Bone turner -I believe may have had something to do with making things out of bone on a lathe – please correct me if I’m wrong
General chandler – I believe this was someone that was a retailer of supplies, groceries, etc. although a chandler could also be a candlemaker
Scholar – sounds so much nicer than a student
Walking Stick Maker – now that’s a specialized trade!
Carpenter and joiner – I believe this is my husband’s ancestors (it runs in the family too!!)
Book Binder
Parchment Maker
Laborer at Docks
Laundress – With 5 kids, I often feel like this is my job!!