I spent a lot of time searching through the Swedish church records this past week, but not as much time as I would have liked. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, are there?
I guess I need some better time management skills or something. Between parenting and teaching 5 kids at home, keeping the house semi-clean and everyone fed (usually – cereal can be dinner, right?), doing genealogy, helping out with ESL class, attending Bible study, blogging, taking a lot of pictures, and walking 40 miles a week, I don’t have much time left to sleep. 🙂
I’m going to continue focusing on my Swedish roots this next week as I have free time. I’ve been really excited about what I’ve found so far. Now if only I could actually read Swedish. I can decipher enough to figure out it’s my ancestor, but I know that I’m missing out on a lot of great clues since I can’t figure out what some of it says. Maybe it’s time to start studying Swedish. I’ll add it to my list of things to accomplish….
This past week has been a busy one. I really wish that I wasn’t such a night owl, but if I didn’t stay up late, then I wouldn’t get anything done. Of course, I could probably do those same things in the morning, but that would require me getting out of bed early – which I have a hard time doing (7:30 is my norm). Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Well, I’ve probably rambled enough. Here are some of my favorite finds from this past week:
- This week’s edition of Geneabloggers radio is entitled Genealogy and Technology in a Post-RootsTech World.
- I enjoyed seeing what German records look like over at Threading needles in a haystack: the genealogy journey. I have many German ancestors, but have yet to dive into German records yet. They look like they’re hard to read!!
- I really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts about their research time at Salt Lake. Linda of Documenting the Details posted some great pictures of the library. I can’t wait for my turn!!
- Michelle Goodrum over at The Turning of Generations had some great posts of her time at RootsTech – here and here.
- He really loves me!! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Linda Gartz’s series of diary entries at Family Archaeologist.
- My cousin Gwen posted a letter written by my great-great grandfather John Edgar Robertson, to his son who was serving in World War I over at her blog, The Robertson/Kuberness Connection. Thanks for sharing Gwen!!
- Another great post over at The Legal Genealogist: Who does the census think you are?
And a few pictures to share:
Yes, you guessed it. We made ANOTHER trip to the zoo. It’s close by and FREE since we have a membership. We’re there a lot.
I love watching the monkeys. 🙂 This guy was watching US.
My daughter Ellie drew this picture. It cracks me up.
I took some pictures for a fellow military family this past week. A father, his son and his son’s wife all serving. His son was on leave from Afghanistan.
I hope you all have a great week!!