Nicholas Sanchez-Tereso was my 3rd great-grandfather. He was born in Spain, married in Germany – where all of his children were born, and died in Keokuk county, Iowa.
This is a deed I found during my trip to Sigourney, IA earlier this year. The transcription follows the images.
Know all men by these presents that we Dorothea Henrietta Helena Francy and Louiza Sanchez Teresa the two last is husband + wife all lawful heirs of Nicholas Sanchez Teresa decd of the county of Keokuk and State of Iowa for the Consideration of two hundred + fifty dollars do hereby Convey to Frederick Peter + Philip Sanchez Teresa of Keokuk County State of Iowa all our interest and claim in the following described Real Estate Situate lying and being in the State of Iowa Keokuk County to wit the South half (1/2) of the north East quarter (1/4) and the west half (1/2) of the South East quarter (1/4) of Section twenty five (25) in township Seventy four (74) north of Range eleven west containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres more or less and the said above mentioned heirs of Nicholas Sanchez Teresa will warrant the title of the same against all persons whomsoever in witness where of we have hereunto subscribed our names this fourteenth (14) day of January AD 1854
Henrietta Sanchez Teresa
Helena Sanchez Teresa
Dorothea Sanchez Teresa
Francis Sanchez
Louise Sanchez
in presence of
Horatio J. Yapp
Meshack? Davis
State of Iowa
Keokuk County
On the 14th day of January AD 1854 before me the undersigned a justice of the peace in and for said County appeared Dorothea Henrietta, Helena Francy + Louiza Sanchez Teresa who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing deed of consequence as grantors and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand.
Horatio J. Yapp
Justice of the Peace
The foregoing deed was filed in this office for Record January 24th 1854 at 12 o’clock
H. L Smith Recorder
Pr MM Crocker