Nancy Moorman was my 5th great-grandmother. Her husband, Charles Clark Moorman, died in 1804. This is her widow’s allotment.
Transcription follows the images.
The thirds of Mrs. Nancy Moorman
Beginning at an Old Willow Stump on the _ bank of little Wolf Creek in the Plantation of Charles Moorman Dec’d near where the Spring branch formerly emptied into said Creek at A thence off a new line from A to B N16 W 162 poles to a W. Oak in the Edge of a small road in Hobson’s lines thence with his lines from B to C N 50 W 23 1/2 to a red Oak on same Road from C to D N 17 W 41 1/2 to a large W. Oak at Hobson’s and Derrett’s corner thence with Derretts line from D to E S 83 E 200 to pointers in said line thence off from E to F new line S 15 E 76 to a R. Oak from F to G S 20 E 50 to Pegrams corner B. Gum on Wolf Creek aforesaid and down the same as it meanders to the beginning.
In obedience to an order of the Court of Bedford to us directed we have assigned to Mrs. Nancy Moorman 197 acres of Land which we are of Opinion is one equal third part of her deceased husband Charles Moorman’s Lands and that the same is bounded as above. Given under our hands this 21st day of December 1804
David Crenshaw
Dan’l Pegram
In a Court held for Bedford County at the Courthouse the 24th day of December 1804. This allotment of the Thirds of the Lands of Charles Moorman Dec’d to Nancy Moorman the widow of the said Decedent was exhibited in Court + Ordered to be recorded.
Teste J. Steptoe CBC