The weeks are really flying by for me. I did a bit of genealogy this past week – mostly transcribing documents from the my pile of papers that need to be scanned and entered into my computer. It feels so good to get them entered, even if it’s only a little at a time. It all adds up.
Besides genealogy and homeschooling the kids, I managed to walk 43 miles this week!!! That is a lot of miles, if I do say so myself. I have the sore legs to prove it. 🙂
Oh, we’re also starting plan a trip for Spring Break. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to include any family history research along the way. I just don’t have any ancestors who lived in Arizona and New Mexico – and we’re going to make a big loop around both states, hitting Tombstone, Tucson, Phoenix, Sedona, Flagstaff, the Grand Canyon, and Albuquerque to name a few places . (We’ll mostly just be hitting the National Parks along that route – my husband steers clear of big cities when he can). We don’t have any definite plans yet, but I think it will be a beautiful drive!! And I will (of course) take tons of pictures.
And on to this week’s favorite finds:
- The Family Curator reminds us to always look inside the historical books and Bibles. You never know what you’ll find inside!
- Don’t rely on what’s written in an obituary as the truth. I have come across so many mistakes in obituaries, it’s mind-boggling. Karen at Genealogy Frame of Mind gives some good advice. 🙂
- Keep your stories coming Linda! Head over to Family Archaeologist and read An FBI Investigation. It’s amazing to think that things like that happened in our country.
- I love Pinterest, although I try not to get on there too often. It’s absolutely addicting and before you realize it, you’ve spent hours looking through pins. DearMYRTLE is right though – it will never replace blogs. If it did, there would be nothing to pin! 🙂
- Do you know what a “breast complaint” is? If you do, head over to AK’s Genealogy Research and help Annette out. Some of those old causes of death are very hard to understand.
- Registration is now open for the FGS Conference in Birmingham this September. If I only knew where we were going to be living in the fall, then maybe I could make some plans. We’re just waiting on the Army to let us know where our next home will be!! If we get stationed somewhere in the Southeast, then I think I might try to make it!! Read the conference blog for more information.
- Tonight’s edition of Geneabloggers radio is Go Local: Local History and Genealogy. I hope I can make it!!
And a few pictures from this week. We went on a hike at Dripping Springs near Las Cruces, NM. It was a gorgeous walk!