I know I’ve already said this a number of times, but I love inventories. There is just something so special about peeking into someone’s home from a hundred or more years ago and being able to see the things that they owned.
Joseph Campbell was a half-brother to my husband’s 3rd great-grandfather, William Campbell. They both lived in Indiana County, PA.
Joseph appears to have been pretty well off. He even owned a silver watch worth $10. 🙂
Inventory of the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of Joseph Campbell late of Center Township Indiana county, deceased.
Indiana County, ss.
We John H. Allison + W. H. McMullen do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that we will well and truly, and without prejudice or partiality, value and appraise the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of Joseph Campbell late of Center Township Indiana County, deceased, and in all respects perform our duty as appraisers, to the best of our skill and judgment, and that as we shall answer to God at the Great Day.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 29 ” day of May 1879} John H. Allison W H McMullen
D. R. Lewis Register
3 Cows – $15 $45.00
3 Yearling calves 6 18.00
2 Spring calves 3 6.00
One Sorrel mare & colt 50.00
” Brown mare & colt 60.00
Six Shoats 10.00
5 Sheep 12.50
5 Lambs 10.00
One Farm Wagon 18.00
” Spring Wagon 15.00
One corn drill 2.00
” Harrow 2.50
” Log Chain 1.00
One Spread chain .50
” cultivator 2.50
” Plow 1.50
2 Setts Heavy harness 25.00
Single trees 1.00
One man’s saddle 2.00
2 Riding Bridles 1.50
2 Halters .50
One mattock .75
carried over $285.25
Amount brought over $285.25
One manure fork .50
2 cant Hooks .50
One Hoisting jack .50
” Half bushel measure .50
” Sheep Skin .50
” Half Barrel salt .50
One fanning mill 8.00
” Grain Shovel .25
2 pitch forks .20
1 pair hay ladders .50
Hay fork and tackle 9.00
4 Bushels of wheat $1 4.00
4 Do Oats 1.00
5 Old Barrels .25
One Grindstone .50
A lot of loose irons about saw mill 1.00
4 Acres of oats in ground 12.00
3 Do in Growing wheat 9.00
4 Do ” corn 16.00
5 Do ” Rye 10.00
One old axe .25
One half interest in Russel Mower 20.00
” Hay Rake 12.00
” Old Sled and Box 1.00
” Lot of Oak posts 1.00
One Garden Spade .40
2 corn Hoes .40
2 Hives of Bees $4 8.00
2 mowing scythes 1.00
One Grain cradle 2.00
One lot of feathers 3.00
” spinning wheel .50
2 Grain Rakes .30
” piece of Harness .50
One large chest and contents 4.00
” small chest of drawers 1.50
stand .50
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one large chest and contents 4.00
” small chest of drawers 1.50
” ” stand .50
” clock case 1.00
One Bedstead and bedding 3.00
” Do ” Do” 5.00
4 Bed quilts 4.00
map of Indiana County 1.00
2 sickles .40
One side saddle 3.00
” lot of wool 5.00
” churn .50
meat vessels and cider Bbl. 2.00
2 Spinning wheels 2.50
One Reel 1.00
One churn 1.00
Old Bread tray .50
Flour and corn meal 1.25
4 Grain sacks 1.00
One Bureau 5.00
” Bedstead and Bedding 10.00
” Table and cover 4.00
” Do 3.00
One Stand .60
11 chairs 40c 4.40
One Rocking chair 1.00
A lot of Books 10.00
One Bedstead and Bedding 6.00
” Dough Tray 1.00
One clock 2.50
2 old looking Glasses 1.00
One cook stove 3.00
Contents of cupboard 4.00
A lot of crockery and Tin ware 1.50
One silver Watch 10.00
We do Certify that after being duly sworn as appraisers, we attended at the late residence of Joseph Campbell deceased, in Center Township Indiana County, on the 5th day of June A.D. 1879, when and where the foregoing articles were exhibited to us, an that we appraised the same as above stated.
Witness our hands this Fifth day of June 1879.
John H. Allison
W H McMullen