It’s that time again – time to shop through the ages!! This time, we’re shopping through the 1904 Sears, Roebuck, & Co. catalog.
Let’s begin with some men’s clothing. I tried to get some “working man’s” clothes in there along with the business attire. Most of my ancestors were farmers or manual laborers, so I’m sure they weren’t in suits and ties on a daily basis.
And the boys. The little sailor suit on the right makes me smile. 🙂
And on to women’s clothing.
And the girls. Don’t the waists look kind of low on these dresses?
What were the babies wearing? They were absolutely drowning in their outfits, weren’t they?
And on to random things that I found amusing in the rest of the catalog…
Dancing floor wax – “sprinkle it on the floors and the dancers will do the rest”!
The reversible rag doll – “two dolls in one”. It says that it’s “one of the biggest selling rag dolls ever placed on the market.”
The Rosetta Stone of the early 1900’s! Foreign languages taught by graphophone. You could learn French or Spanish.
I thought this pack of celebrity playing cards was interesting. The cards show “portraits of world renowned celebrities of the stage.” and had gold edges.
A cure for the opium and morphine habit. I wonder how many people were actually addicted to opium and morphine in this time period. How horrible. 🙁
I thought this was kind of neat – you could put a photograph on a watch case or dial. Have any of you had one of these treasures passed down to you?
I believe that I might have a few of these postcards – of a family farm and some elementary school pictures. They seem to have been really popular in this time period.
Looking for something to do? You could make a burlap rug!
A set of solid silver salt cups, in a leather case. Those who ordered this must have had some extra money to spend.
Have any of you ever seen one of these railroad attachments before? I had never heard of this, but it makes sense. In a time when there were very few good roads for bikes, you could have a nice smooth ride on the rails. I would be a bit concerned about a train coming though!
Look at this Viaticum Cabinet or Sick Call Outfit. I am assuming this is to give Communion to those who are unable to attend church. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Have you ever come across one of these in an antique shop?
Here are some Communion sets.
Many of us have ancestors who were members of societies. I thought that these rosettes were neat – they actually attach to buggy bridles. Kind of like the bumper sticker of the day. 🙂
I can’t imagine living 100 years ago – without toasty vehicles and homes. I would probably want to wear a “throat and chest shield” too!
Oh. My. Goodness. How could anyone type with one of these contraptions??
I love the bangs! I wonder how real they looked.
I had never heard of wax cylinder records before, have you?
Isn’t this a gorgeous selection of earrings?
Well, that’s it for this edition of Shopping Through the Ages!! See you next time, when we shop through 1905.