One of the best ways to get a peek into someone’s life is to see what they owned.
This is the inventory of the estate of my 6th great-grandfather, Jeremiah Wade.
He lived in Bedford County, Virginia and died in 1772. He didn’t own much!
I find it interesting that his estate was inventoried in 1772 and it wasn’t recorded in the Court until 1779. Is this normal? Or does this have something to do with the fact that the Revolutionary War was going on during this time? Just curious.
My transcription of the document follows the images. I know I made some mistakes. I’m always unsure how to write the little symbols and such also. I just do my best and move on. 🙂
Inventory of the Estate Jeremiah Wade Dec’d
One Man’s Hat at Value 0.12.6 Two Books 0.2.0L ……………….. 0.11.6
One Bed + Furniture L 4.0.0 Twelve Barrels Corn [961?]…………..8.16.0
Old Iron 17/6 Two Bells /1/……………………………………………………..1.1.6
One Mans old Sadle………………………………………………………………..0.10.0
one Old Bag + one Case Knife………………………………………………….0.1.0
one pr Specs + Two Combs 1/…………………………………………………..0.1.0
One White Horse……………………………………………………………………3.10.0
Eight Head meat Cattle…………………………………………………………..14.0.0
one [Fro?]1/6 One old Bed Tyke 2/…………………………………………0.3.6
Inventory of the Estate Jeremiah Wade dec’d. Taken this 10th day Oct 1772. Taken by James Hilton. Er of s’d Wades Estate + appr’d by Wm. Hudnall, Wm Adams + James Mitchell on Oath pursuant to an Order Court
Wm his X mark Adams
James Mitchell
In a Court held for Bedford County 22d day of Nov 1779. This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Jeremiah Wade dec’d was return’d to Court and Ordered to be recorded
Teste J. Steptoe, Cl.