Whew, Halloween is over! The kids had a great time trick-or-treating. We got hit by tons of kids and ran out of candy within an hour. Then we had to turn all of the lights off and pretend we weren’t home for the rest of the evening. I contemplated giving out my kids’ candy, but they wouldn’t go for it. 🙂
- I love a good wedding story and Emma and Elmer eloped over at Documenting the Details is a great one. 🙂
- Love is dancing by ourselves. What a beautiful post by Linda Gartz, of Family Archaeologist. My mom had a couple of those Charles Shultz books also – “Happiness is a Warm Puppy” was my favorite. 🙂
- Help! Non-English people and places in my family tree? A great question from The New Genealogist. I’d love to hear the “correct” answer. Anyone? I admit that I usually write “Germany” instead of “Deutschland”, but I try to keep the town name original to the native language. I guess that’s not being very consistent, is it??
- Nancy at My Ancestors and Me had a great wedding post – The Activities and Expectations of a Bride in 1914.
- Happy Blogiversary to Debbie over at Mascot Manor Genealogy. Her blog was one year old last week. 🙂
- Ginger had a great post – Using Google Images to Find Your Ancestors. Head over to Genealogy By Ginger’s Blog to check it out.
- Sometimes discovering a spelling mistake can be an exciting thing. 🙂 Heather at Leaves for Trees was pleasantly surprised when she found one.
- I”m interested to hear tonight’s edition of Geneabloggers Radio – Copyright and Genealogy- Yours, Mine and Ours.
And a few pics from this past week: