We had a nice weekend. We attended the Amigo Airsho here on post. I took tons of pictures of airplanes.
Monday night, I was hit with a horrible cold. An I-can’t-get-out-of-bed cold. I’ve had way too much computer time since I haven’t felt like moving. I’m gradually getting better and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t pass to the rest of the family. I am forcing myself to be well this weekend as I take the kids to various Halloween activities.
Oh, and I had another cousin find me this week – a Norwegian cousin. I love it when people find me! Keep on googling…. 🙂
Well, on to this week’s favorite finds…
- I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one to have nervous breakdowns because of genealogy. Jenny at Are My Roots Showing?, just went through her 19th nervous breakdown, but appears to have made it though. 🙂 I appreciate the reminder to keep a research log. I am SO BAD about that and I know that it has caused me so much time in re-searching things I’ve already looked through. I watched the lesson on FamilySearch also.
- This week’s edition of Geneabloggers Radio sounds like a blast. Haunted by Ancestors – A Genealogy Halloween Special! If I weren’t going to be busy taking my kids to a haunted house and trunk or treat that night, then I would definitely be there! This will have to be one that I listen to on the ipod as I’m walking on the treadmill. (I have to work off all of that Halloween candy, right??)
- Happy One Year Blogivesary to my good friend and fellow Geneablogger, Cherie Cayemberg at Have You Seen My Roots? Cherie and I go way back – in real life. And I’m so happy that she has been successfully blogging for an entire year. Keep up the good work!!!
- I have always loved looking at old class photos. Nancy over at My Ancestors and Me has a great picture from 1925 to share.
- What a beautiful Wordless Wednesday over at Above the Trees! I wish my ancestors had left behind something like this.
- And a few blogs I’ve started following this week: Nuts From the Family Tree, Geeky Texan, ‘Over Thy Dead Body‘, Blundering Blindly Backwards, and Extreme Ancestry.
And of course, I have to share a few pictures I took this past week: