A woman found me on Ancestry this week and said she thought that she had a picture of my maternal grandmother, Eleanore Bergman. At first I thought that it couldn’t be her. The picture was labeled Ellie Bergman and she never went by Ellie (at least my mom had never heard her called that). When I received the picture though, it was clear that this was definitely my grandma.
“Ellie Bergman” August 25, 1941.
She graduated from high school in June of 1941, so this is just a couple of months after that. I don’t have many pics of her from this time period, so this is very special to me.
The other thing that excited me so much, was that she used the nickname “Ellie” – which is what we’ve always called my daughter Elizabeth.
Looking at this picture, I think that she might be wearing a nurse’s uniform under the jacket. My mom has kept one of her old uniforms and it is grayish blue and white striped (as far as I can remember).
Oh, and the resemblance to my mom is STRIKING! 🙂
Don’t you just love it when old pictures or documents find their way to you? Have you had anything great fall into your lap recently??