It’s time for another edition of “Shopping Through The Ages” – and this post is devoted to 1902.
Let’s start with women’s clothing. The hats were still big. Furs were still in. And women were still squeezing themselves into uncomfortable corsets. I’m wondering in what year I”ll see a big change in fashion.
And the girls. There was a lot of plaid action going on…
I can’t imagine my kids in one of these hats.
Everybody needs underwear – even “fat men”!!
I’ve heard of fish net stockings, but a fish net shirt?
For some reason, this “indestructible doll head” is kind of disturbing to me. I’m sure it looked fine once a body was added to it. 🙂
It can “be given to the smallest child with perfect safety, as the metal is covered with a pure, wholesome paint which is manufactured especially for the purpose.” I wonder how safe it actually was.
Do YOU play? “The New Parlor Game, Table Tennis, is the craze of society”.
It must have been so difficult watching toddlers over 100 years ago – the stoves alone had to have been a nightmare. We think we have it hard now!! This “baby tender” must have been a life saver.
I thought this match box was interesting. You could actually slide a photograph into it – so you could see your loved one every time you lit a match. 🙂
Talk about an Easy Bake Oven!! It’s a mini working range for kids.
This is seriously cooler than a piggy bank. The coin actually get shot into the bear!
It looks like basketball was becoming popular. Don’t you just love the goal?
I’m not so sure that I’d want to use this as a normal chair – even with the cushion on! It says that “no germs can possibly affect the air”.
I always wondered how women could fit all of their clothes in a trunk when they took long trips. Isn’t this neat??
Instead of a wheelbarrow, you could get a barrel cart. Apparently, you have to provide your own barrel though – any kerosene, molasses or vinegar barrel would fit.
The Acme Folding Bath Tubs with Instantaneous Heater Combined.
Don’t you love these color carpet samples?? Gorgeous.
My great-great grandfather was a blacksmith during this time period. I wonder if these readily available blacksmithing kits took away from his business.
Have any of you ever used wooden measuring cups before? Neat!
How about some “Female Pills for Weak Women”? They were “for all female diseases.”
I had never heard of rope portieres before, but I’m assuming that they go over a set of curtains for decoration.
An odometer for your carriage!!
For some reason, I didn’t really imagine people roller skating in 1902. I wonder what they would think of roller derby. 🙂
Well, that’s it for this edition of Shopping Through The Ages! See you next time. 🙂