And September is over!!! I am personally looking forward to jeans and sweaters, but I’m unsure if I’ll ever be able to pull them out here in El Paso. Are you wearing them yet? I’m still in flip-flops. 🙂
I’d like to share some of my favorite finds from this past week…
- There’s some good advice over at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog: How to Introuduce Yourself to Other Genealogists at a Genealogy Conference. Do you have a “calling card” to share with people you meet?
- Don’t you wish that there was a little more biographical information engraved on our ancestor’s tombstones? Lisa, over at Are You My Cousin? found a complete biography on a gravestone in Charleston, SC. I love the cemeteries in Charleston….
- Are you good about tagging your photos? I have to admit that I’m not – and that’s just as bad as our ancestors not writing on the backs of them, isn’t it? 🙂 I do name them, but haven’t taken the time to re-tag them after I restarted my database. I have tens of thousands of pictures and documents and it seems like too daunting of a task to undertake. Geniaus has inspired me to do something about it though – it really would be so nice to find photos taken in a certain place or with a certain theme to them.
- Cherie, over at Have You Seen My Roots? always does such a great job at re-touching/repairing her photos. I take a lot of pictures, and I often use software to enhance or fix them – but I have yet to do this with any of my scanned genealogy photos. I’m not sure why. Do I like to look through spills or tears or pictures that are fading away? No, I don’t. Do you fix your old pictures?
- I’ve enjoyed following Liz around on her Journey Through Hallowed Ground over at My Tapley Tree…and its Branches. Liz and I met at the Atlanta Family History Expo last year and then again at NGS in Charleston. She is so much fun! 🙂 Here is Part 8 of her series, where she visits Appomattox Court House. I really love that area of Virginia and am hoping that I can make another research trip there in the next few years.
- Are jumpsuits going to be in your family history? The Lineagekeeper refuses to include them. I am too young to have ever worn jumpsuits, but I often wonder what my descendants will think of my hairspray plastered bangs and Madonna-esque outfits from the 1980’s. Do I even want to know what they’ll say?? As much as I’d like to, I promise not to destroy the evidence. The pictures will live on, as embarrassing as they are. 🙂
- I always love a good family mystery, don’t you? Jenny, over at They Came to Montana, shared one this week : What Was Elvira Up to?
- Are you tuning in to Geneabloggers Radio tonight? Myrt is hosting this week and the topic will be Digging Deeper: Dealing with Conflicting Genealogy Evidence. I think that this one applies to everyone!! I’ll be chatting on the boards – hope to see you there!
- I have to share that I was again surprised by a relative contacting me this past week. I love that my blog is a cousin magnet. 🙂
And of course, I have to share a few pictures I took this past week. There were two beautiful butterflies hanging out in my backyard and I had to whip the camera out!! Butterflies always remind me of my Grandma Eleanore, who collected them.