Thank you everyone for your kind words. We all miss her so much, but I know that she lived a long and happy life.
We made the trek from El Paso to Kansas and back within 3 days. It was 16 hours each direction and man am I exhausted!!
We had Pukefest 2011 in the car on the way back. No exaggeration.
Three kids with a stomach bug on a 16 hour car trip is not pleasant, in case you wondered. You can’t even begin to imagine how happy I was to pull into our driveway!
I’m still glad that we made the trip. It was nice to be able to say goodbye to her and to visit with family that we don’t see very often.
I {of course} took pictures.
Here are my 5 rugrats…
My husband and his dad…
Our kids and Andy’s cousins’ kids. It was really hard to get all 8 of them to look the same direction. My youngest {on the right} is making such a strange face! 🙂
I think it’s going to take us all a week to recover from the 30+ hours in the car and the stomach bug.