I am really keeping my fingers crossed for orders to Germany when we move from this duty station next summer. I already have a list of places I want to visit in Europe and it seems to be growing daily. Can you blame me?? I’ve only been to Europe once (specifically to Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, and Austria) and I was 15 at the time and with my German class. I wasn’t exactly free to roam about the continent as I wished.
One of the places I really want to go is Norway – specifically to the Inderøy region where my ancestors lived, and the neighboring city of Trondheim.
There are two churches that I really want to see – the Old and New Sakshaug Churches.
The Sakshaug “Old” Church dates back to around 1150. That is a seriously old building!!
It was decommissioned in 1871, when the new church was built. After sitting for many years with no roof, it was renovated from 1910-1958. Many of my ancestors were christened in this church.
{Both of the following pictures and the above info were found on Wikipedia}.
And this is the new church, which was built in 1871. My great-grandmother was born in the area in 1881, so it is most likely that she went to this church before they emigrated.
_I wonder if any of my ancestors are buried around one of these churches.