I love this old postcard. It was sent to my great-great grandfather, Peter Andreas Peterson Melhus by his sister, Elen Pauline Petersdatter (Melhus) Kvam.
Peter immigrated to the United States in 1888 and settled in Franklin, Renville county, Minnestota {big surprise that my Norwegian ancestors settled in MN, huh?}
Kvam was a farm in Inderoen, Norway – near Trondheim.
Peter’s sister, Pauline married Johannes Erikssen Kvam and I’m assuming that this is where they lived since she didn’t immigrate to the US like Peter did. What do you think – is this their house or perhaps just near where they lived?
Interestingly enough, Peter’s wife’s maiden name was Anna Margret Kvam. I don’t know if she is related to Pauline’s husband or if perhaps they just lived on the same farm and took the same name.
I might be able to solve the mystery if I could actually translate the message on the postcard. But it happens to be in Norwegian. Which I don’t speak. I can pick out the “Dear Brother” and “Your Sister, Pauline'” and something about a picture of Kvam, but that’s about it.
Does anyone out there know what this says?? Is it just small talk or is there something important there?