I always love looking at my ancestors’ estate inventories. It gives me a little peek into what their life was like by seeing what they owned. I sometimes have a hard time with some of the vocabulary pertaining to the farm equipment, since I know nothing about farms – neither current, nor past. I love that he owned a lot of books worth $12.00. I wonder how many books that may have been. 🙂
Commission to Appraisers.
State of Iowa, } SS. Estate of John Robertson Deceased.
Washington CountyTo David Teter, Hugh Draper [Frank ? is crossed out], and Walter Mckinnie:
You are Hereby Notified that you have this day been appointed to appraise all the personal property belonging to the estate of John Robertson, deceased, and after being sworn as required by law, you will proceed with the least possible delay to perform your duties in the premises, and file your report in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County.
A copy of the Inventory filed by the Administrator of said estate is hereto attached, and in performing your duties as appraisers, you will affix to each item or article in said list whatever sum you consider to be its present cash value.
Witness, J. A. Cunningham Clerk of said Court, with the Seal thereof affixed, at Washington, this 19th day of March A.D. 1879.
J. A. Cunningham, Clerk of the District Court
J.B. Tiller, Depy.Oath of Appraisers
State of Iowa,
Washington County,}SS
We and each of us do solemly swear that we will well and truly, without partiality or prejudice, value and appraise the goods, chattels, and personal estate of John Robertson deceased, so far as the same shall come to our knowledge; and that we will in all respects perform our duties as appraisors, to the best of our skill and judgment, as required by the foregoing commissionWalter McKinnie [signed]
David Teeter [signed]
Hugh Draper [signed]
Subscribed and sworn to this 21 day of March A.D. 1879
By Walter McKinnie David Teeter + Hugh Draper
J.A. Cunningham __CC
J.P. ______ ___[page break]
1 Gray Horse 50.00
1 Dun Horse 30.00
1 Brown Mare 60.00
6 Milch Cows 112.00
3 Steers 54.00
7 Shoats 21.00
1 Wagon 12.00
1 Buggy 15.00
2 Satts of Harness 10.00
1 Corn Planter. 25.00
1 Stirring Plow 2.00
1 Gopher Plow .25
1 Reaper + Mower 10.00
1 Hay Ra____ 1.50
1 Harrow. 1.00
1 Saddle .50
1 Grind Stone .20
1 Cross Cut Saw. 1.50
1 Lot Barbd Wire 2.00
1 Trow ______ 1.50
1 Satt Sleigh Bells 2.00
1 Pair BobSleds 3.00
1 Wheel Barrow .75
1 Lot Sacks 1.20
1 Lot Shools .25
1 Lot Forks .75
1 hoe .10
3 AugurS .40
3 Ream_s 1.00
1 Hand Saw .25
1 Brace .25
2 Bitts .10
[page break]
1 chisel .[0]5
1 file .10
1 _row Wedge .20
1 Ring Maul .15
2 Log Chains .75
1 axe .20
1 SauSage Mill .75
1 Rifle 4.00
1 Lot Corn 20.00
1 Lot Hay 6.00
1 Lot Wheat
1 Lot Oats 9.00
1 Lot Wheat
1 Lot of Barrells. .20
1 Cupboard 2.00
2 Tables. 5.00
3 Stands. 2.00
2 Lounges 1.50
2 Satts of ChairS 3.00
2 Rockig ChairS 1.00
1 clock 7.00
1 watch. 7.00
1 Cook Stove 4.00
1 Parlor Stove 1.50
1 Lot Books 12.00
1 Ladder .50
1 Monkey Wrench .25
1 Grubbing hoe .10