Thomas Stafford was my husband’s 4th great grandfather. He was a Quaker.
His will was written on 27 Oct 1863 in Mahaska County, IA.
Will of Thomas Stafford
Last Will and testament of Thomas Stafford of Mahaska County and State of Iowa.
First I give to my beloved wife Elizabeth Stafford the interest of One Thousand Dollars during her natural lifetime. I direct that One Thousand Dollars be loaned and the interest thereof be paid to her Semi annually if needed by my Executors hereinafter named
Second I give and bequeath to my son Brantley Stafford One Thousand three hundred and Ninety-one Dollars
3d I give + bequeath to my son Elias Stafford One Thousand Three hundred + Ninety one dollars.
4th I give + bequeath to my son Eli Stafford One Thousand Three hundred and Ninety One Dollars
5th I give to my son Henry Stafford two notes of hand that I hold on him for one hundred + Seventy dollars dated May 8th 1854 + one for Four hundred Dollars dated August 28th 1863
6th I give and bequeath to my son William Stafford fournotes that I hold on him, one for One Thousand Dollars dated January 1st 1859, one of same date for Two hundred + thirty dollars + 3 cts, one for forty-five +70/100 dated May 28th 1861. Also Four hundred Dollars due me on a house + Lot I Sold him
7th I give + bequeath to my son Elam Stafford One Thousand + Sixty Nine dollars
8th I give + bequeath to my daughter Philaner Atkins Eighty three Dollars
9th I give + bequeath to my Grand daughter Abigail Robbins the sum of Fifty dollars
10th I give + bequeath to my Grand Daughter Philana Shaw Fifty Dollars
11th I give + bequeath to my GrandSon James M Shaw Fifty Dollars
12th I give + bequeath to my Grand Daughter Louisa Shaw Fifty Dollars
13th I give + bequeath to my Grand Son Ebenezer Shaw Fifty dollars
14th I give + bequeath to my Grand Daughter Mary H. Shaw Fifty Dollars
15th I give + bequeath to my Grand Son William H. Shaw Fifty dollars
16th I give + bequeath to my Grand Daughter Mariah Coffin Ten Dollars
17th I give + bequeath to my GrandSon Thomas McCleain One Dollar
18th I give and bequeath to my Grandson Alexander McCleain Ten Dollars
19th I give + bequeath to my Grandson William H. McCleain Ten Dollars
20th I give + bequeath to my GrandSon Elam McCleain Ten______
21st I give + bequeath to my GrandSon Brantley McCleain One hundred and Seventeen Dollars
22d I give + bequeath to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth McCleain Ten DollarsAnd I further direct that all my Real Estate be sold and conveyed by my Executors on the following terms. That public notice be given at least four weeks before the sale, and sold at Auction to the highest bidder on a credit not exceeding twelve months. The purchaser giving his note, with interst from date of Sale with approved Security.
I further give to my beloved wife the household + kitchen furniture, except one bed + the furniture therefor which I give + bequeath to my Grandson Brantley McCleain
All the balance of my property and effects I direct to be sold at public Sale by my Executors
I also direct the One Thousand Dollars set apart for the use and benefit of my Wife (or so much of it as shall not be required for her comfort) shall be at her death divided equally between my children
I now appoint Daniel Pressnall and Andrew C. Williams my Executors. This 27th day of 10th month A.D. 1863
Attest John Stanley
Charles Wing
John Lamborn
Thomas Stafford