Another week bites the dust!
- Congrats to Jenny Lanctot, who has hit the 100 post mark on her blog Are My Roots Showing?
- Marian Wood over at the “other” Climbing My Family Tree shared a reassuring letter from England during WWII.
- Everybody is talking about this week. I enjoyed Kerry’s thoughts over at Clue Wagon.
- Thomas McEntee posted some great newspaper resources over on his blog. I’ve been digging through the Old Fulton Postcards site with much success this week.
- My cousin Wendy over at Shaking Trees put in a picture request on Find a Grave and we now have a picture of John Newton Garriott’s gravestone!! He was my 4th great-grandfather and I’m so happy to have this pic.
- Lisa, over at Are You My Cousin? is hosting a Postcard Bonanza on August 31st. I have one that I think I’d like to share. 🙂
- Greta Koehl cracks me up. Head over to Greta’s Genealogy Bog to see what she had to say about all of the recent changes with the big genea-companies.
- Tonight’s edition of Geneabloggers radio is about the Land Records and the Homestead Act. I feel like I have a lot to learn on this subject, so I’m looking foward to what they have to say.
- I enjoyed Nancy’s post over at My Ancestors and Me about her brother’s memories of V-J Day. That must have been such a happy day!!
I thought I’d share a picture from a BBQ we attended last weekend. My friend made this amazing fruit bouquet. Isn’t it gorgeous?