Another week, another list of my favorite finds…
- How cool would it be to have an ancestor who fought at Waterloo? Head over to Caro’s Family Chronicles to read about her son-in-law’s 4th great grandfather.
- Linda Gartz at Family Archaeologist has such a neat post entitled The Train Journey-Part 1. Don’t we all wish that we had books full of notes, addresses, and recipes from our ancestors? What a treasure!
- My friend Cherie at Have You Seen My Roots? knows that I’m insanely jealous of her funeral card collection. She is very lucky to have been given a book full of beautiful cards.
- You absolutely have to read Amy Coffin’s post “If Genealogists Ran Hollywood“. Hilarious.
- Heather, of Leaves for Trees, had a great second post about the Brides Book she found in a local antique store.
- Genealogy Games for a Family Reunion. How cool! Head over to Olive Tree Genealogy to read some cool ideas!
- Go over and congratulate Bill West of West in New England. He has hit ONE THOUSAND posts and deserves a pat on the back.
And now I’m off to clean the house and prepare food for our BBQ tomorrow. We’ve invited 20-30 people over – a few of them from different countries. I’m excited about being able to use my Russian with my new Kazakh friend. 🙂 It should be a lot of fun!