I have to admit that while I was creating this scavenger hunt, my husband was kind of creeped out. And he was warning me that people were going to think that I’m weird. And morbid. And an unfit mother. And did I mention weird? I like to think that I’m eccentric, not weird. 🙂
I’ve taken my kids to cemeteries a number of times and they aren’t exactly the most hip happening places to be. Especially when Mom has no idea where the tombstones she’s searching for are located. And the inscriptions are worn away. It sometimes takes a while.
So, I made a couple of scavenger hunts for kids. The first one is pretty basic, for the younger set. The second is a little bit more detailed – for my older kids. These might not work so well at really small cemeteries, but if you’re in a small one then you probably won’t be there long enough to need a scavenger hunt, right?
I hope that there are some other parents/grandparents who will be able to use these. I can’t wait to try them out on my kids! I just wish that I had an ancestor that was buried in the El Paso area – or anywhere in the Southwest for that matter. It might be a while before we do a cemetery trip.
This is the really simple one for the little kids – even non-readers. You can download it in Word or as a PDF.
And here is the version for the older kids. In Word and PDF.