Having 5 young children whom I homeschool, I am always looking for ways to incorporate genealogy into our studies. My kids know about family history. They see me looking through census records and they like to look at old pictures. I even took my eldest daughter to the recent NGS Conference in Charleston.
Spurred on by Thomas MacEntee’s post about getting younger people involved withe genealogy, I decided to create some notebooking pages to use in our homeschool this year. Then I thought – why not share them?? There will be more posted in the coming weeks as I’m doing my prep work for our school year. You are free to use them as you like (as long as you aren’t selling them!).
Here is the first page I’m sharing. This is a simple family tree page, which goes back as far as great-grandparents. I am having each of my kids (who are old enough to write) fill one of these out for their notebooks.
Click the picture above or here to download it as a PDF. You can also download it as a Word Document here. If I’m not mistaken, you should be able to type in the text boxes in the Word version.