John Robertson has been one of my brick wall ancestors for years and years.
One of the things I was hoping to find on my recent trip to Iowa, was a nice long obituary, stating where he was born and who his parents were – breaking down my brick wall in one stroke.
That wasn’t my luck.
I found two death notices in two separate local newspapers, but no full-up obituary. Them’s the breaks.
From the Washington Democrat, Washington, Iowa, dated 5 March 1879, page 1:
John Robinson of Franklin township, died Wednesday morning, February 26th. We understand lung difficulty was the cause.
They didn’t even spell his name correctly, let alone give any pertinent information about his life. Darn.
And the second notice was in the Washington County Press, Washington Iowa, dated 5 March 1879, page 3:
John Robertson of this township died on the 27th ult. He was at the Reed sale on the 20th, and told Reeves that he had felt better this winter than in many years – had no cough, good appetite, and could sleep well. He took a chill there, and was seized with congestion of the liver. He was a Virginian, was almost 75 years old, and had lived here about 22 years, as near as we can learn.
Again, no info on his life before moving to Iowa. This states that he was a Virginian, which I had never heard before. Everything else I have on him points to Kentucky as his birth place. It doesn’t sound like he was very well known in town, does it?
Well, even though this didn’t break down my brick wall, it did add a bit more to the growing pile of information I have about him. I am always thankful for every little piece I get.