I took my daughter, Ellie, along to the NGS Conference this past weekend.
With 4 younger siblings, she was ready for some “Mom” time and knew that genealogy was definitely a good way to get it.
She is interested in family history. She even had me upload Legacy to her computer so that she could have access to all of the information that I’ve gathered. I’m hoping that she can join me in research in the near future.
But when it comes down to it, she’s 12 (well, almost 12) and most of the sessions I attended were way over her head (heck, I think that a lot of them were overwhelming for the adults!). She didn’t have any interest in hearing about the “Genealogical Proof Standard” or how to write a research report.
So, there were times that she was bored.
She likes to make short movies on her computer and decided that she would make a “news report” from the conference. She took pictures and videos around the exhibit hall and put it all together into a 5 minute video, which I would like to share with you now.
Before you push play, I would like to say “thank you” to Pat from DearMYRTLE, the Flip-Pal people, and Paul Nauta from FamilySearch, for taking the time to answer her questions and allowing her to tape them. I hope you enjoy it! She had a great time making it. 🙂