Day One was all excitement. I took tons of pictures. I met lots of people. I entered tons of raffles (still waiting to hear that I won a trip to Salt Lake or something equally amazing. I can dream, can’t I?)
I forgot to post this yesterday. We met DearMyrtle in her booth and requested a picture. 🙂
Day Two was a bit different. I didn’t take any pictures. I barely tweeted (the connection in that building is horrendous). I didn’t browse at the booths quite as much.
I did however take some amazing classes.
I had high hopes for my first class, the BCG Certification Seminar, and it did not disappoint. I have been considering certification for a while, but wasn’t sure if it was within my reach quite yet. Instead of becoming discouraged or intimidated at the thought of the very in-depth certification process, I actually left the seminar feeling motivated to do it. I’m definitely not an expert and still have a lot to learn, but doesn’t everyone? My family tree is very diverse, which has allowed me to become familiar with many different types of records. I’ve been obsessed with genealogy for over ten years and have done research both online and in various courthouses, cemeteries, and libraries. I am going to make it a goal to get started on the certification process, even if it takes me a couple of years to complete it all.
My second class was Analyzing Deeds and Wills: I See What it Says, but What Does it Mean?, given my Elizabeth Shown Mills. Does she ever give a bad lecture? I highly doubt it. 🙂 It was, as expected, a great class. What I liked the most was the fact that it focused on analyzing the records. I like hearing about repositories and new technology and such, but I really enjoy hearing about case studies and seeing what minute details can be used to piece together our ancestors’ lives. She created a fictional will and deed based on common things she has found over the years in her research. If you ever get the chance to hear her speak, jump at it.
We did some walking around during lunch, but for some reason I didn’t whip out the camera. I promise to remedy that tomorrow and give you all a look at the exhibit hall. Cameras aren’t allowed in the lectures, so I can’t do much there.
The next class I took, What Exactly is a Reasonably Exhaustive Search, given by Laura Murphy DeGrazia, was absolutely packed. I think that everyone wanted to know when to throw in the towel with their research. My assumption is that more people showed up than had “signed up” for the class, because it easily could have been held in a larger room. I actually sent Ellie out to the couches outside the hall so that someone else could use her chair.
Lastly, I attended In the Wilderness and On the Battlefields With Your Civil War Ancestor, by Sharon Tate Moody. I have at least ten ancestors who served on both sides of the war, and I have pension records for all but one of them. I have pulled out most of the important information on enlistment dates, birth and death, residence, children, wounds, etc., but I have never taken the time to find out the history of their regiments and followed where they actually marched and fought during the war. This class made me want to get out there and find out more about their experiences, so that I can paint a better picture of what their life was like during this time.
After hanging out with Cherie at Panera for a bit, we headed back to the hotel and called it an early night. I hope that I can get caught up on my sleep a bit so that I’m a bit more chipper in the morning. 🙂
And since I have no other pictures to share from today, I’ll leave you with a few more from my sightseeing in Charleston.