Eating out at a Southern BBQ would have been great in itself. Real macaroni and cheese, cole slaw, and of course lots of meat. 🙂
Spending an evening eating BBQ while mingling with fellow geneabloggers and speaking with the folks at FamilySearch was even better!
Ellie, Cherie from Have You Seen My Roots? and I sat with Paul Nauta, the FamilySearch Public Affairs Manager.
Among other things, we talked about the fact that his daughter loves to do indexing for Family Search and he gave me the great idea to put Ellie to work on indexing! She’s almost 12 now and fully capable of doing just about anything on the her laptop (as are most 12 year olds, right?). I think that I’m going to download the indexing program to her laptop so she can work on it whenever she wants.
Since this year marks the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War and we’re meeting here in Charleston where the first shots were fired, FamilySearch released hundreds of millions of records pertaining to the Civil War. I personally have a number of ancestors who served on both sides of the conflict, so I’m excited to see what I’ll find.
I was also interested to hear about next year’s RootsTech Conference, which will be held February 2-4. I would LOVE to attend!! We’ll see if I can pull it off.
Everyone we met was really great. If I were alone, there is no way I would have asked for pictures, but there’s strength in numbers, right? Cherie whipped her camera out and we ended up with some great pics.
Here we are with Dick Eastman of, well I probably don’t need to tell you his website, do I? 🙂
And here I am with Ellie and my friend Liz from My Tapley Tree and its Branches. She’s so much fun! We met each other at the Atlanta Family History Expo last year and have since connected online through our blogs.
And here we are with Michael J. Hall (Deputy C.G.O.). He was so nice and we had great times talking about our military careers.
Besides getting to meet the very friendly staff of FamilySearch, we also got to mingle with each other. It was so nice to meet everyone before the conference started, so that we have familiar faces to find in the crowd throughout this week.
From left to right Ginger from Genealogy by Ginger, Yours Truly, Liz Tapley-Matthews from My Tapley Tree and its Branches, Linda McCauley from Documenting the Details. The front row from is Great Koehl from Greta’s Genealogy Bog, Cherie from Have You Seen My Roots? and Ellie.
It was so nice to meet other bloggers in person. We are in fact all REAL people. 🙂