I have spent this week in a hotel room, with nothing much to do except tell the kids to be quiet. (I’m so sorry to whoever has to share a wall with our hotel room!! ) At least we’re on the bottom floor, so their jumping and running around isn’t bugging people below us. 🙂
Since we’re done with our homeschool year, I no longer have a house or any household responsibilities, and I’m just looking for things to do, I was able to get a lot of reading done this week.
- I was so excited to read about the new “World Memory Project”. What a wonderful idea!!
- My friend Cherie was hard at work again this past week and created a 1790 census form, which you can input your information onto. Thanks Cherie!!
- I hate that I have so many unidentified photos in my collection. (I’m glad to have them, I just wish that I knew who was in them!). I love to hear stories of solved photo mysteries. Cynthia of Heritage Zen had someone contact her this past week and identify a lovely couple which she posted last year. That’s one of the many reasons I love blogging! 🙂
- Have you ever heard of a Housewife’s diploma? I probably could have used one of those before getting married. 🙂 I loved Jo’s post about her tree-climbing granny and her diploma over at Images Past.
- Heather of Leaves for Trees had a beautiful post about WWI embroidered silk post cards. They’re gorgeous!!
- If you’re attending the NGS Conference next week and you “tweet”, note that the hashtag for the conference is : #ngs2011 I’m planning on trying out my Twitter skills a bit more during the conference. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to like it as much as Facebook. Am I alone?
- Debi from Who Knew? had a great post about her great-great grandmother’s certificate, which she had restored by a professional. After taking Maureen Taylor’s Legacy webinar the other day, I was interested to see someone use a pro to restore their document.
- The 105th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is out! Head over to Creative Gene to read about everyone’s favorite current technology. Submissions to next month’s Swimsuit Edition are due by June 1st, so pull out those pictures of your bathing beauties. 🙂
- How many of us can claim we have a goat-trainer in our family tree? Wendy’s tales of her Grandpa John are always amusing. He must have been such a character!! On another note, if you can figure out why her ancestor, Frederick Harmon Brittain, was in jail in OK in 1900, she’d be forever grateful.
- Michelle’s series on using land records to solve genealogical problems was very encouraging. I often find myself less than excited about land records, even though I know that they are a valuable resource. Head over to The Turning of Generations to read the entire series.
- Amy of The We Tree Genealogy Blog found her #16! What a wonderful gift for her to be able to give her 83-year old grandmother – the names of her grandparents.
- I loved the post “Confessions of a Genea-Conference Groupie” over at Luxegen Genealogy and Family History. If I had a babysitter, I’d definitely attend more conferences!
- And lastly, in case you missed my earlier posts, I have started highlighting a year each week (or so) as I shop through the Sears Catalog. I’ve posted 1896 and 1897. 1898 will be posted tomorrow. I have had so much fun paging through the old catalogs!