Well, all of my worldly possessions have been boxed up and are being put onto a truck and driven to El Paso today. I could care less if my TV breaks or my shoes get lost. I’m praying that all of my genealogy documents and pictures make it though. It always makes me nervous having to transport them across the country.
Oh, and that reminds me, I need to add the dates we lived here in Savannah to Legacy (only 11 months by the way!!). I always wondered why my ancestors moved around so much and wished that I had exact dates for when they were at different places. I’ve since realized that it’s hard for me to remember when we’ve moved from place to place over the past 12 years we’ve been married (this is move #6). I’ve since started keeping track of that for my own descendants (and for myself!). 🙂
You would think that I was super busy this week with preparing for the move and that I didn’t have any time to surf the internet. I was busy earlier this week, but as our things were being packed up these past two days, I kept out the way (with the kids) and let Andy handle dealing with the movers. I took the kids to a place called “Monkey Joe’s” yesterday and blissfully sat on my laptop for three and a half hours while the kids bounced and played and ate pizza until they collapsed.
Here are some of my favorite finds this week:
- The post “The Culprits Detected” over at Luxegen Genealogy has really made me think about all of the extra “stuff” in my sidebar. Is my webpage taking way too long to load? When I have a some free time, I’m going to run my blog through the tests and see what I an do to improve my load time. I am thinking that I might create a “page” to put all of the links/etc. on so that they’re still there if you want to see them, but they won’t cause the site to be so slow.
- I loved this tea party photo at Climbing My Family Tree (my “twin” site – we share the same name).
- Jaisa, of Creative Gene, has a great Technology Review posted this week. I love reading about what gadgets and sites others use in their research.
- Head over to Curbow-Montoya Family and read Judy’s post entitled “July 18th – One Day in 1949 –” It’s beautifully written.
- Kerry from Clue Wagon will have you in tears with her post Breaking News: Scientists Pinpoint the Origins of Piles of Genea-Crap.
- Since I home school my children, I always try to incorporate their ancestors into our history studies. I want them to see that history was experienced by “real” people. Someday, I would love to teach some basic genealogy classes to either a homeschooling co-op or maybe a Girl Scout troop. I want kids to get excited about their ancestry. Professor Dru over at Find Your Folks had a great post – “The Thrill of Teaching Historical Research and Genealogy to Youth” – about the classes she’s currently teaching to young people. So inspiring!
- Cheryl didn’t make it to the final cut for The Great Swedish Adventure. 🙁 She did make it incredibly far though! Many of us have enjoyed following her experience and are very proud of her. Head over to Heritage Happens to give her a pat on the back.
- My good friend Cherie, over at Have You Seen My Roots?, did us all a favor and created a blank 1900 census sheet which we can type on and save!! She’s a genius. 🙂