I’m a seasoned Army wife and am getting very used to packing up and moving every couple of years. It doesn’t even faze me anymore. I can sleep on a blow-up bed and eat slap-sandwiches for weeks. 🙂
The only thing that makes me nervous is packing up my genealogy stuff. Documents. Pictures. Heirlooms. Papers.
I absolutely hate seeing it put into boxes. Boxes that I will not be personally carrying. I have this fear that I might never see them again.
What if a train derails or the crate gets flooded? Or some family in Hawaii gets my box of Civil War pensions???
I know I’m being a tad irrational. Our household goods have been moved from San Antonio to Copperas Cove to Monterey to North Pole to Savannah. I’m sure they’ll make it to El Paso too. But you just never know….
I’ve been digitizing my stuff when I have time. I have my own little “scanfests” occasionally on the weekends.
But I’m nowhere near being done.
And the scanner isn’t working right now.
And the movers will be at my house in exactly one week.
And I have a zillion other non-genealogy things to get done in that week.
{Panic attack sets in.}
I am really hoping that I can get my husband to get the scanner up and working in the next day or two. Then maybe I could at least scan what I think is most important. It would ease my mind a bit.
Part of me wants to hand carry a couple of boxes of stuff that hasn’t been digitized. But then I have to tell myself that it will be much safer in a crate on a truck to Texas than it would be in my SUV – especially since I’ll be homeless and traveling for about 25 days before we get there. I think the chances of someone stealing my vehicle are greater than something happening to it in the crate.
How do you deal with your genealogical data during a move??
P.S. Yes, I actually blogged about this one short year ago when we moved from North Pole, Alaska to Savannah, Georgia. The posts are almost identical, because I’m having exactly the same fears. And yes, my stuff made it here okay. 🙂